“Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgement of the facts of a situation. Then deciding what you're going to do about it." - Kathleen Casey Theisen
lately, i have caught myself fondly saying “che” among close friends. all thanks to kuya darc. :p
a very close friend of mine noticed this and asked me not do it because she is not used to hearing me say something “gay”. all in a nice way, of course. it’s what keeps me different, she said.
suddenly, i remembered an im conversation we had a couple months back.
i remember asking her how she would feel if i’ll introduce my would-be-boyfriend (and at that time imaginary) to her. i’ve noticed that she somehow feels uneasy whenever i start up a conversation that pertains to me being gay.
all she said was she would be really happy for me but it would not be something she would be totally comfortable with. because “... it’s not within my values and morals...”.
that made me really sad. i never expected to hear that from her. but in all fairness to her, i admire her honesty. it made me appreciate her more as my friend.
i’m just hoping that someday when i ask her the same question again, it will be the answer that i would love to hear.
3.5 try
1 month ago